Tofield Hotel
BP 5.0: Tofield Hotel (former Royal Alexandra), Tofield Alberta, built 1912. Visited on August 4th, 2023. Team: Rob, Margarit, Chris & Connie. Guest photographer Arturo Pianzola. Guest artist Sharon Pianzola. Camera Gear: Ebony 4×5″ View Camera (Film), Contax 35mm Film, Canon 6D & 70D. Arturo: Leica Film & Digital + Fuji Medium Format Film.
The Tofield Hotel was built in 1912 and originally called the Royal Alexandra. In old papers it is sometimes mistakenly called the Alexander but photographs of the era confirm it was indeed spelled with an RA. The town’s population was around eight hundred back then but presently it is now many times that. Tofield’s close proximity to Edmonton is behind that growth.
The building once had a distinctive parapet on the angled wall out front but this feature was removed when the name was changed to its present incarnation in the early 1970s. It is distinctively made of brick and this was a selling feature back in the day. Although nothing is truly fireproof, it was touted as something safer than typical wood framed structures.
The Tofield/Royal Alexandra was one of two hotels in town and the other, the Queens, was torn down in the 1970s. It is now one of the oldest buildings in town and in spite of its age, still a grand structure. Rooms can be rented out but most tenants are long term.
A restaurant formerly operated here until at least the 1970s, but it is now a memory. The old “Beer Parlour” is where the action is, then or today. Like many establishments visited, the Tofield is said to be haunted and the basement in particular claimed to be a hot spot for strange happenings.
Tofield, Alberta: Population approximately 2150 and it is in Beaver County, SE of Edmonton.

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35mm = Contax 35mm Film
4×5″ = Ebony 4×5″ View Camera

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